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Delivered by Andrea Ferenczi, President of the AWCDH,
at the Women in Political Decision Making Conference,
The Houses of Parliament, December 18, 2006
in honour of the “2007-European Year of Equal Opportunities for All”

The Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary
has and will continue to encourage talented and capable women
 to attain more positions in the next national and local elections.
In order to achieve this aim and in the interest of continued support
the Association wishes to engage the support of the government,
politicians, academic and non-governmental organizations,
as well as private individuals and international forums,
and it wishes to do so in full accord and harmony
with the Commission’s (Commission of the European Communities)
Roadmap for equality between women and men
as elaborated for the years 2006 to 2010.
In order to achieve our aims, we will continue to utilize the methods
that have brought results in shaping public opinion:
networking, modern communication strategies, training and education – in short we will continue to rely on the most efficient methods used
in the developed democracies in Europe and across the seas.



Az MNKSZ honlapjainak fejlesztését és karbantartását a Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap támogatja